We believe in the power of people, so our mission is to connect the local community and make our Skofja Loka region green and sustainable tourist destination well known worldwide.
We are a team of young people, from two companies: Greenhills Slovenia and HourAway. We see the great potential of our region to become the best Slovenian tourist destination. We love to be active and connected with nature which is stunning in the Skofja Loka region.
The Hidden Hills Trail is a project that unites local people into a common story. Local farmers, beer brewers, bike guides, blacksmiths, beekeepers, mountain hut caretakers, bakers, etc. – they are the Hidden Hills Trail.
If you want to get in touch, fill out the form on our contact page!
Slovenia’s best biking trail is a hidden treasure for all kind of biking enthusiasts.
Evropski kmetijski sklad za razvoj podeželja: Evropa investira v podeželje. Projekt sofinancirata Evropska unija iz Evropskega kmetijskega sklada za razvoj podeželja in Republika Slovenija v okviru Programa razvoja podeželja. Organ upravljanja, določen za izvajanje Programa razvoja podeželja RS za obdobje 2014-2020, je Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. Za vsebino je odgovoren BEDERFLY d.o.o.